Dohner Landscape and Snow Removal Service (330) 814-4144
Approximate times and types of treatments include:
Lawn Care
Early spring treatment, late March or April: Fertilizer + Crabgrass prevention
Late spring treatment, May: Fertilizer, broadleaf weed control and grub prevention. Note grub treatment is dependent on rainfall, must be watered in.
Summer treatment, July or August: Fertilizer, spot treatment for weeds, and inspection for surface insect activity
Fall treatment, November: Winterizing fertilizer
Tree / Shrub Care
Spring insect/disease visit, May early June: Controls applied for aphids, apple scab, scale, and other spring pest issues
Summer insect/disease visit, July: Controls for Japanese beetles, scale, rust, mites, and other summer pest issues
Fall Insect/Disease visit, September. Controls for scale, rust, lace bugs mites and other late season pests
Late fall deep root feeding, November: Balancer fertilizer 20-20-20 plus micronutrients injected into the soil around the ornamental trees/shrubs for good plant health.
Note: Tree / Shrub treatments are provided for front and sides only